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ભાષા બદલો
મોકલો એસએમએસ પૂછપરછ મોકલો
સૌથી વધુ લોકપ્રિય ઉત્પાદનો

used for root development

Function : Surksha Multi Zinc Is Formulated with ZN, FE, MN, CU, BO, and MO Micronutrients to Compensate for Micronutrient Deficiencies in Soil.

Increase growth of root and plant branches ultimately it increase

works as micronutrients

Benefits : It gives rapid and healthy growth to crop and recovers deficiencies due to balance nutrients supply. It also increase fruit capacity, weight, colour, size and shelf life. Early and uniform flowering prevents flower and fruit dropping, results in more yield

Benefits : It gives rapid and healthy growth to crop and recovers deficiencies due to balance nutrients supply. It also increases fruit capacity, weight, colour, size and shelf life. Early and uniform flowering prevents flower and fruit dropping, results in more yield

Calcium nitrate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Ca(NO3)2. Another name for Calcium nitrate is Norgessalpeter.

“અમે બલ્ક ઓર્ડર સ્વીકારીએ છીએ, અને અસરકારક રીતે વ્યવહાર કરીએ છીએ”